
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Here we go!

It's that time when trips to the beach seem like the norm and the sun seems to shine every day and this little grasshopper thinks that summer will never end. I have been back to work for a few weeks now, after my glorious Vancouver Island holiday/Anniversary surprise getaway, but it still feels like play time to me. I have managed to squeeze in a trip to the outdoor pool and the bowling alley, which were promises made and kept for summer outings. I had a long list of outings but when it came down to it, we were either too busy, or too tired from all the other fun stuff we have been doing! We have managed to get the most out of the summer and I think it's wonderful. I did get my school supplies organized and bought a few clothes, so even if I do nothing else, I think I can manage the first day of school. One day at a time right? Chalk one point for only having one kid to worry about!

Sea life at Ucluelet Aquarium


I am also working on a project for my Grandma's birthday and finally I feel like it may actually come to fruition, now that some key pieces of information have come my way. It will be a furious push at the end to get it done the way I want it, but I think I have it under control. I sure hope it comes out as well as I expect it to. Smokefest is just around the corner, I am super excited for it. I just love when my family gets together and this party has become the social event of the year! With so much to look forward to, it's hard to stay in the every day and get the basics done, like laundry and dishes. I just want to sweep it all it the dumpster and buy new dishes and clothes. That's not very frugal, is it?

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